Ocarina BIRD - Aviaries
  • Ocarina BIRD - Aviaries
  • Ocarina BIRD - Aviaries

Ocarina BIRD - Aviaries

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THE BIRD Our ancestors in different cultures were always connected with the different civilizations that came down from other places in the universe. Aviaries were very important in both ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican cultures. Their feathers are used as symbols and as a channel of connection with the spiritual worlds. They are sacred beings. EL

THE BIRD Our ancestors in different cultures were always connected with the different civilizations that came down from other places in the universe. Aviaries were very important in both ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican cultures. Their feathers are used as symbols and as a channel of connection with the spiritual worlds. They are sacred beings. EL PAJARO Nuestros ancestros en las diferentes culturas estuvieron siempre conectados con las diferentes civilizaciones que bajaron desde otros lugares del universo. Los aviarios fueron muy importantes tanto en la antigua Egypto como en las culturas mesoamericanas. Sus plumas son usadas como símbolos y conexión con los planos espirituales. Son seres sagrados.

THE OCARINA In the original pre-Columbian cultures there are four fundamental elements: Earth, water, wind and fire. These four elements are essential in the making of this musical instrument. The Ocarina is built with two elements EARTH AND WATER, it is shaped and beveled so that it can give sound. FIRE is used when subjecting the clay to heat so that it acquires consistency and solidity. THE WIND is born from our intention when we blow, thus we make it vibrate and give birth to the sound that comes from the intention of our soul.

Material - ceramic (clay)

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